Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a dream in his heart: to make people fall in love with the unmistakable taste of the Tonda Gentile hazelnut from the Langhe. This is the story of him. Once...
Since 1891 we have had the privilege of growing the best hazelnuts in the world exclusively in the Piedmont Langhe area, in the Alta Langa area of the CRU for the finest hazelnuts. For five generations our family, with unchanged...
In this splendid setting, our company is rooted and specialized in sustainable cultivation, respecting the nature that surrounds us. The control of the entire supply chain allows us to follow all the stages of the production process, to ensure products...
The pursuit of excellence in the cultivation of the "Tonda Gentile delle Langhe" hazelnut, which characterizes the entire Tastelanghe product line, starts with the identification of the best land in the Langhe, in the Alta Langa area. Carefully chosen and...
Entrambi i prodotti acquistati sono ottimi, ho apprezzato moltissimo anche i biscotti ricevuti in omaggio, sia per il gesto sia perchè erano veramente deliziosi.
Abbiamo conosciuto l'azienda ad una manifestazione ad Asiago, dove avevamo preso le nocciole e la crema dark e una volta provati non puoi più farne a meno.
Buonissimo tutto.
Queste nocciole sono fantastiche sia mangiate così - una tira l'altra! - sia usate in cucina, dove danno una marcia in più ad ogni ricetta.